Rob Zacny, in a review on Vice, noted how the game departed in so many ways from the original, but remained a "simple joy to play", calling it a "wargame that invites a lot of delightful perfectionist revisiting for a long time to come". Unity of Command II received "generally favorable reviews" according to review aggregator Metacritic. Notable gameplay mechanics that were added include fog of war, unit headquarters, supply hubs, airborne ops or the ability to go beyond enemy lines and sabotage their infrastructure. Another requirement would be a 64-bit operating system. The most visible change to the game is the transition from 2D to 3D graphics, using a proprietary engine developed specifically for this game. The game was in development since late 2014, but was formally announced in 2019. The function is intended to give structure to the systemic complexity of WWII, but without overwhelming the player with countless systems. The functionality of headquarters was expanded to include repairing or constructing bridges on the map. Once there, they become part of the player's "Force Pool", which they can use to reinforce their existing units. As units get damaged during combat, they dissolve into stragglers, which continue to automatically travel to the player's HQ.

The game introduces the concept of headquarters, which are used to collect the remnants of player units known as "stragglers". Unity of Command II is a tactical turn-based wargame which balances between historical accuracy and abstract game design. The game was released on November 12, 2019. Unity of Command II is a turn-based wargame developed by 2x2 Games, and co-produced by Croteam.